Mermaids and Ballerinas

IMG_3385We are on day 3 of our snow days here in Virginia. The kids are of course beyond excited as even though there is no snow (just freezing rain), the prospect of watching a movie on a weekday (maybe) is wauntitled (2)y too exciting. Usually we do some crafting and art on our days off but today is one of those days where after exhaustively working on their duly appointed homework, they chose watching TV over crafting. Yes, I am a hard task master who before dispensing of the rewards demands sacrifices from her loyal subjects. Its for their own good if you must judge.

Since I am big on art and crafts as well, I notice that my 7 yr old daughter is quite happily following suite. How wonderful it is, when your child tells you that they aspire to be like you. A designer, a creator, a crafter or as my daughter lovingly refers to me as “Clay Maker”. She is my biggest fan and admirer.

We did a couple of crafts. Love Pinterest for it has a limitless supply of cool ideas for anyone who has a glue gun, odds n ends, beads, buttons, rock, paper, scissors…(shoot)..Just kidding, and a healthy imagination, along with of course, excited, craft loving kids! My 7 yr old and I decided to do some papier mache ballerinas to hang in her room along with our paper flowers. It was so much fun to rip the tissue paper, soak it in glue and slather it all on the ballerina wire frame. Here’s a picture of the outcome of our labor and sweat. What do you think? I think it adds a lot of charm and movement to her little reading corner.  She got so inspired that she also ended up sketching and coloring this totally awesome picture of a mermaid as a bonus.

Maybe next time we will try a boy version and maybe make some super heroes out of this! That would be pretty cool.

Ciao…until our next snow day and next craft hack from Pinterest!

Here’s a link to the pinterest pin we used.


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